Sunday 16 March 2014

Oscars 2014 (first blog post??)

(I`m sorry I really don`t know what to talk about sorry ok.)
PS I don`t know how many of you will actually care about this but hey, the Oscars were rad this year.

On the evening Sunday March 2nd the 86th Academy Awards ceremony took place. With Ellen Degeneres Hosting the mass spectacle for a second time, it seemed as if both the stars, and viewers (me included) had a great time. Some highlights include Gravity winNING 7 AWARDS. I personally thought this was stupid because to me the movie just consisted of Sandra Bullock waving her arms around wildly, breathing heavily and about 1 million dollars of special effects. Dallas Buyers Club also brought home a couple of the top awards including Mathew McConaughey winning Best Actor and Jared Leto winning Best Supporting Actor. A fan favourite 12 Years A Slave won for Best Picture, and star Lupita Nyong`o won Best Supporting Actress, SHE EVEN BEAT JENNIFER LAWRENCE, UMMM?! But on a more unfortunate note American Hustle shut out this year, winning none of its 10 nominations (why?). As I mentioned before Ellen was the host thing year and she actually broke a record with a selfie she posted on twitter. It quickly became the most retweeted tweet ever, so ya. That basically sums it up so I`ll leave you with the selfie itself as well as a video of the pizza party that Ellen Held.

 Pizza Party

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